SKU: Geckollect-I

Universal inductive adaptor

Inductive module for pulse counting.

The Geckollect-I universal inductive pulse transmitter can be attached to any standard, inductively readable measuring instrument. (The meter is prepared for inductive readout if it contains a metal disc, e.g.: gas meters, water meters)

The module can be installed without breaking the seal, even afterwards, without a special permit.

High sensitivity, low power consumption, flexible power supply options. (the device works in the range between 3-3.6V without other conversions) It can be easily mounted with double-sided adhesive, and can be removed without damage. (if necessary)

The Geckollect-I emits a standard pulse signal, so it can be integrated into any remote reading system, like ESPhome and HomeAssistant.

No configuration required, it provides a standard pulse signal after a predefined gas or water amount went through the meter.

The Geckollect-I universal inductive pulse transmitter is water resistant.

2 two wire cables, 1 pair for power supply, 1 pair for pulses.

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VAT: HU10774272

1136 Budapest, Hegedűs Gyula u. 45-47.
